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Družbena in identitetna mobilnost v slovenskem prostoru med poznim srednjim vekom in 20. stoletjem

Edited by: Boris Golec
Year: 2019

Even though the concept of “social mobility” is not completely unfamiliar in Slovenian historiography, it has so far been used only rarely and partially. The most neglected aspects in addressing this topic include social mobility across several generations, relationships between individual and group mobility, and the downward social movement of individuals and groups. The subject of the monograph ('Social and identity mobility in the Slovenian territory between the late Middle Ages and the 20th Century') are phenomena and processes accompanying or (co)constituting long-term social movements. The definition “social and identity mobility” roughly encompasses three basic elements: 1) social mobility of individuals, communities, and groups over shorter and longer periods of time; 2) changes in their identity that are directly or indirectly related to social mobility, and 3) mobility of collective identities determinable over longer periods of time. All three elements listed above are also included in the so-called confessional mobility (changes in confessional affiliation), which has its own unique characteristics, and is often closely related to social or identity mobility and to the question of confessional identity as such.

Table of content

Monografiji na pot

Vzpon in zaton plemstva
Miha Kosi: Celjska klientela. Socialna in prostorska mobilnost plemstva v službi grofov Celjskih
Dušan Kos: Deželne imenjske knjige in socialna mobilnost plemstva do terezijanske davčne rektifikacije sredi 18. stoletja
Vanja Kočevar: Družbena in identitetna mobilnost kranjskih deželnih stanov kot posledica protireformacije in katoliške obnove
Miha Preinfalk: Habsburško plemstvo po letu 1918

Tržani, kosezi in svobodniki
Boris Golec: Novonastali zgodnjenovoveški trgi na Kranjskem in njihova identiteta
Željko Oset: Teharska koseška skupnost med tradicijo in modernostjo
Matjaž Bizjak: Izvor svobodnikov na Kranjskem
Miha Seručnik: Imenjska knjiga in kranjski svobodniki v 16. in 17. stoletju
Žiga Zwitter: Prispevek k poznavanju svobodnikov na Kranjskem od sredine 17. do sredine 18. stoletja

Izobrazba, konfesionalnost in narodna identiteta
Neva Makuc: Novoveška družbena mobilnost v luči šolstva notranjeavstrijskih dežel
Boris Golec: Integracija vzhodnih kristjanov in muslimanov v družbo na Slovenskem med 16. in 19. stoletjem
Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec: Konfesionalna mobilnost na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku: katoličani, luterani, kalvinci, judje
Sebastjan Vörös: Prebujena Trnuljčica: (narodna) identiteta med kontinuiteto in kontingenco

Seznam avtorjev

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32.00 €

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14/20th century
collective volume
ethnic identity
Late Middle Ages
New Age
social mobility


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