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Marija Terezija. Med razsvetljenskimi reformami in zgodovinskim spominom.

Edited by: Boris Golec, Miha Preinfalk
Year: 2018

The monograph on Maria Theresa adjoins numerous celebrations of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Empress Maria Theresa, which took place in 2017. The sovereign was often the object of scientific research in the past, but mostly in foreign historiographies. The Slovenian historiography has so far taken relatively little interest in her life and rule. The present monograph thus brings many new findings and new views on Maria Theresa and her age. More than twenty acknowledged researchers took part in the monograph, mostly from Slovenia, and some from abroad. The starting-point of the papers is the Slovenian territory and how it was affected by the empress’s reforms. These reforms were radical, thorough and long-term, which means that their effects are felt even today, although we may not be aware of this. The second “leit-motif” of the monograph is the preservation of the memory of Maria Theresa in Slovenia as well as in her former lands, which are now independent countries (Austria, Hungary, Croatia and the Czech Republic). The monograph is written mostly in Slovenian, while the contributions of the foreign authors are in a foreign language (German, English, Italian and Croatian) with a longer Slovenian summary.

Table of content

300 let Marije Terezije (Miha Preinfalk in Boris Golec)

The Mother of It All: Maria Theresia and the Creation of Hybrid Monarchy (James Shedel)

Maria Theresia: ältere und neuere biographische Forschungen (Ernst Bruckmüller)

Gegenseitige Ritterlichkeit: Königin Maria Theresia in der ungarischen Geschichtsschreibung (János Kalmár)

Landesstiefmutter – oder doch Retterin des böhmischen Staates? Das Bild Maria Theresias und ihrer Zeit in der tschechischen Historiographie (Petr Mat'a)

Prilog poznavanju djelovanja Marije Terezije u hrvatskoj historiografiji na temelju odabranih primjera povijesnih monografija (Hrvoje Petrić)

Marija Terezija, terezijanske reforme in slovensko zgodovinopisje (Peter Vodopivec)

Marija Terezija pod genealoškim drobnogledom (Miha Preinfalk)

Dedna poklonitev Avstrije nad Anižo kraljici Mariji Tereziji leta 1743 v Linzu: prispevek k umestitvam Marije Terezije kot vladarice (Vanja Kočevar)

Landstände und Josephinismus: Ein Antagonismus? Die innerösterreichischen Landstände und ihr Verhältnis zum Josephinismus (Philip Steiner)

Terezijanske reforme: gibalo sprememb občutka pripadnosti in povezanosti ter identitet v slovenskem prostoru (Boris Golec)

Posledice terezijanskih reform in ukrepov v Cerkvi na Slovenskem (Matjaž Ambrožič)

La soluzione di antiche “gravissime differenze”: la soppressione del patriarcato d'Aquileia (Liliana Ferrari)

Politika Marije Terezije do akatoličanov na ozemlju notranjeavstrijskih dežel (Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec)

Marija Terezija kot Mati Božja (Ana Lavrič)

Arhitektura v času uradništva (Damjan Prelovšek)

Marija Terezija in glasba (Marko Motnik)

Slovenščina na poti do priznanja kot uradni jezik od Marije Terezije do leta 1849 (Vincenc Rajšp)

Reforme na področju reševanja socialnih vprašanj v 18. stoletju (Dragica Čeč)

Zdravstvene reforme Marije Terezije in Gerarda van Swietna (Katarina Keber)

Marija Terezija, statističarka Evrope? (Marija Wakounig)

Oštevilčenje hiš ob vojaški konskripciji 1770/71 kot tehnologija dodeljevanja naslovov in sredstvo socialnega discipliniranja (Andrej Studen)

Uvedba vojaške obveznosti in druge terezijanske vojaške reforme (Rok Stergar)

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Miha Naglič: Marija Terezija; Gorenjski glas, 23. 12. 2018

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18th century
collective volume
Habsburg monarchy
historical memory
Maria Theresa


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