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Podobe bidermajerske Ljubljane

Edited by: Miha Preinfalk
Year: 2025

The monograph ('Images of Biedermeier Ljubljana') brings together 14 studies on Ljubljana in the 1830s. They are based on letters sent almost daily from Ljubljana between 1832 and 1840 by retired captain Franz Franz (1779–1840) to Jožef Kalasanc Baron Erberg (1771–1843) in Dol pri Ljubljani (transcribed letters were published in a separate e-publication entitled Pisma Franca Franza baronu Erbergu (1832–1840) ('Letters of Franz Franz to Baron Erberg 1832–1840').

The introductory essays shed light on the life and career of the main protagonist, the author of the letters, Captain Franz, and then provide a general overview of Biedermaier Ljubljana and the various social classes in the city – the nobility, the bourgeoisie and the military. The authors also present the social and cultural life of the city, in particular the activities of the Estate Theatre and the events at the Casino, among which the tombola was one of the most popular. They also touch on the travel habits of the Ljubljana bourgeoisie, illness and general health, and the church situation. The monograph concludes with a Slovenian translation of Franz's German letters for 1836, the year when cholera ravaged Ljubljana.

Table of content

Miha Preinfalk: Sprehod s Francem Franzem po bidermajerski Ljubljani

Miha Šimac: Vojaška kariera stotnika Franca Franza

Miha Preinfalk: Franc Franz zasebno

Boris Golec: Razgled po Ljubljani v času kronista Franca Franza

Miha Preinfalk: Plemstvo v bidermajerski Ljubljani skozi pisma Franca Franza

Eva Holz: Meščani bidermajerske Ljubljane v pismih Franca Franza

Miha Šimac: Vojaštvo v vsaki vrstici: ljubljanska garnizija v pismih stotnika Franza

Tanja Žigon in Tone Smolej: Stanovsko gledališče v Ljubljani v luči pisem in poročil Franca Franza baronu Erbergu

Marko Motnik in Tanja Žigon: Pregled repertoarja stanovskega gledališča v Ljubljani od sezone 1833/34 do sezone 1839/40

Marko Motnik: Glasbeni in plesni utrip Ljubljane v tridesetih letih 19. stoletja

Tomaž Lazar: Tombola v bidermajerski Ljubljani

Eva Holz: Potovanja kranjske visoke družbe v prvi polovici 19. stoletja

Katarina Keber: Bolezni in zdravstvo v predmarčni Ljubljani v korespondenci Franca Franza in barona Erberga

Matjaž Ambrožič: Kranjske cerkvene problematike in tematike v poročilih Franca Franza baronu Erbergu

Tanja Žigon: Pisma Franca Franza baronu Erbergu iz leta 1836

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19th century
Biedermeier literature
Habsburg monarchy


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