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Spopad za prehode proti Jadranu in nastanek »dežele Kras«. Vojaška in politična zgodovina Krasa od 12. do 16. stoletja.

Author: Miha Kosi
Year: 2018

The medieval Karst—a land between Friuli, Istria, and Carniola—experienced an independent political development from the thirteenth century onwards. With its strategically vital mountain passes along the routes leading towards the Adriatic ports and Italy, this territory underwent a remarkably dynamic period during the Late Middle Ages. The most crucial seigniories and ports became the points of fierce rivalry among a number of powers that dominated the area between the north Adriatic and eastern Alps: the patriarchs of Aquileia, the House of Andechs-Meran, the Spanheims, the Counts of Görz, the Venetian Republic, the Habsburgs, the House of Luxemburg, the Counts of Cilli, the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach, the Lords of Walsee, and Hungary. The political dynamics and the ensuing military developments were highly chaotic. Emperor Frederick III managed to bring nearly all of the Karst under his control in the fifteenth century, while the war with the Venetian Republic (1508–1516) set the western borders for the next three centuries and incorporated all of the Littoral into the complex of Habsburg territories. In the fifteenth century, the Karst even developed the characteristics of an independent territory—what was formerly a geographical notion turned into a political one. The Karst continued to function as an “emerging territory” well into the sixteenth century until it was incorporated into the Duchy of Carniola.

The book ('The Clash for the Passes Towards the Adriatic and the Formation of the “Territory of the Karst” : Military and Political History of the Karst from the twelfth to the sixteenth Century') offers a readable depiction of the region’s complex political and military history and puts it into the larger context of Slovenian and Central European history.

Table of content

Spremna beseda
Kras: identiteta
Čas velikih: Oglej–Spanheimi–Andeški–Bogenski (12.–13. stoletje)
     Oglejski patriarhi
     Koroški vojvode Spanheimi
     Grofje Andeški – vojvode Meranski
     Grofje Bogenski in njihovi ministeriali s Krnosa/Greifenfelsa
Intermezzo oglejskih patriarhov: Gospodje Devinski – vzpon Goriških (13.–14. stoletje)
     Gospodje Devinski
     Vzpon grofov Goriških
     Višek moči grofov Goriških pod Henrikom II. (do 1323)
Novi možje: Habsburžani – Ortenburžani – Celjski (14. stoletje)
     Zlata doba kondotjerov
     Prihod Habsburžanov
     Višek moči gospodov Devinskih (do 1390)
     Vojna za Trst (1369) – dokončna podreditev Habsburžanom (1382)
     Grofje Celjski
     Zaton grofov Goriških
Prelomni časi: zlom Ogleja – prevlada Habsburžanov – antagonizem Benetk (15. stoletje)
     Sigismund Luksemburški – vojna za Dalmacijo – konec posvetne oblasti Ogleja (1420)
     Krepitev Habsburžanov v zaledju severnega Jadrana
     Vojna za Trst (1463) – prevlada Habsburžanov pod Friderikom III.
     Nepomirljivo nasprotje: Habsburžani vs. Beneška republika
Beneška vojna (1508–1516)
     Premirje (1516) – mir v Wormsu (1523) – pogodba v Trentu (1535)
Dežela Kras
     Nastavki dežele v času gospodov Walseejcev
     Združitev dežele pod cesarjem Friderikom III. konec 15. stoletja
     Stanovi Krasa in Istre v prvih desetletjih 16. stoletja
     Težnje po pridruževanju Kranjski
     Plemstvo Krasa in kranjski deželni zbor
     Obseg »dežele Kras« v 16. stoletju

     Plemstvo Krasa (Adel am Kharsst) leta 1539
     Genealoške preglednice:
       1. Bogenski ministeriali s Krnosa, Greifenfelsa, Khünburga, Vipave
       2. Gospodje Devinski
       3. Grofje Goriški
       4. Raunacher
       5. Jamski (Lueger)
       6. Neuhaus (de Castronovo, Novi grad)
     Viri in literatura

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Jana Krebelj: Kras je bil na dobri poti, da postane samostojna dežela; Primorske novice 21.9.2018

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