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Valvasorjeva hiša v Krškem. Napačna in prava.

Author: Boris Golec
Year: 2013

A couple of years ago the author ruled out the possibility that the Carniolan polymath Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641–1693) died in the so-called Valvasor´s house in Krško, on the front of which a commemorative plaque has been built-in since its unveiling in 1894. The author has managed to establish with a great deal of certainty that the polymath´s last home was actually a house located some hundred metres from the wrongly identified one. The purpose of the monograph is to shed light on the history of both houses based on the available data and to clarify any possible dilemmas regarding which of the two houses is the right one. The study focuses mainly on the issue of two the so-called Valvasor´s house during the polymath´s lifetime and on the history of the house that was actually owned by Valvasor.

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20.00 €

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cultural heritage
cultural history
famous personalities
Valvasor, Janez Vajkard


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