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Velikih pet in nastanek Kraljevine Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev
Les Cinq Grands et la création du Royaume des Serbes, Croates et Slovènes

Edited by: Andrej Rahten, Janez Šumrada
Year: 2011

Drawing on primary sources, the book provides the first complete presentation of the policies that the five victorious Great Powers pursued with regard to the establishment of the Yugoslav state. Studies are based on archival materials from Paris, London, Washington, Rome, Tokyo, Belgrade, Ljubljana and Maribor. Since most archival materials have so far been unknown to historiography, the book not only comes as an enrichment of the Slovenian and Yugoslav diplomatic history, but in many aspects also represents a significant addition to the existing knowledge about the policies of Great Powers towards the Balkans during the creation of the Versailles system.

Table of content

Uvod (Andrej Rahten, Janez Šumrada)

Stanislav Sretenović: Francija in ustanovitev Kraljevine Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev

Uroš Lipušček: Ameriški strateški načrti med prvo svetovno vojno in Slovenci

Tanja Mljač: Italija in rojstvo Jugoslavije

Gorazd Bajc, Diplomacija Velike Britanije in Slovenci v času nastajanja jugoslovanske države

Boštjan Bertalanič, Odnosi med Japonsko in Kraljevino Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev v času pariške mirovne konference

Gregor Jenuš, Slovenska pričakovanja in odzivi na odločitve velikih pet

Andrej Rahten, Wilsonova srečanja in razhajanja s Slovenci

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collective volume
international relations
peace conferences
political history
world politics
World War 1914-1918


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