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Zgodovinski pogledi na zadnje državno ljudsko štetje v Avstrijskem primorju 1910. Jezik, narodnost, meja.

Edited by: Matija Godeša, Petra Kolenc, Barbara Šterbenc Svetina
Year: 2012

The Habsburg Monarchy carried out its first modern official population census in 1857. Since 1869, censuses were conducted every ten years with the critical date of 31 December. The censuses took into account the present population. From 1880 onwards, they also included a section on everyday language/language of communication, on the basis of which it was thenceforth possible to determine the national structure of the population in the country, even though the question thusly formulated did not yield accurate results. It was especially before the census of 1910 that the Slovenes and other Slavic nations in the monarchy demanded the elimination of the section on everyday language (lingua d'uso, Umgangssprache) and the introduction of a new section on nationality or mother tongue. The last Austrian population census of 1910 is a characteristic and important event from the political history of the Slovenes in the Austrian Littoral: characteristic because of the conduct of city authorities carrying out the census, and important because it represented a political victory of the Slavic population, after the established inaccuracies forced the authorities to order a revision of the census. Both the Yugoslav and Italian sides used the census of 1910 as evidence in setting their territorial claims during the peace negotiations after the First and Second World Wars.

Table of content



Branko Marušič

Ob stoletnici zadnjega državnega štetja v Avstro-Ogrski monarhiji (1910)

Janez Cvirn
Vojaška konskripcija leta 1770/71

Andrej Studen
Moderni avstrijski popisi prebivalstva 1857–1910

Ivica Pletikosić
Viri za preučevanje popisa prebivalstva v južnih deželah Cislajtanije v letu 1910

Salvator Žitko
Nacionalna in politična nasprotja v Istri in Trstu ob avstrijskih štetjih med letoma 1880 in 1910

Aleksej Kalc
Predmoderna prebivalstvena statistika: značilnosti in problemi, s posebnim poudarkom na primer Trsta in njegove okolice

Branko Marušič
Ljudsko štetje 31. decembra leta 1910 na Goriškem

Paolo Malni
La Grande Guerra e i movimenti di popolazione a Gorizia

Darja Mihelič
Sončne in senčne strani štetij prebivalstva v Avstrijskem Primorju

Filip Čuček
Problemi popisovanja občevalnega jezika na Spodnjem Štajerskem (1880–1910)

Špela Ledinek Lozej
Stavbarstvo in stanovanjska kultura v Vipavski dolini v času zadnjega državnega ljudskega štetja v Avstrijskem Primorju



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collective volume
Habsburg monarchy
historical demography
population census


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