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Useful links

Turjak Book of Charters I web page (Slovenian language only)

Faculty of arts, Department of history, University of Ljubljana
Faculty of arts, Department of history, University of Maribor (Slovenian language only)
Faculty of Humanities Koper, Department of history, University of Primorska
School of Humanities, Bachelor's programme in Cultural History, University of Nova Gorica

Institute of contemporary history [Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino] (English pages are under construction)

Archives of the Republic of Slovenia

Historical archives Ljubljana (Slovenian language only)

Historical Association of Slovenia (Slovenian language only)

Kronika, časopis za Slovensko krajevno zgodovino review [=Kronika, review for Slovenian local history] (Slovenian language only); older numbers are accsessible at SiStory
Historical review
Zgodovina za vse review [=History for everybody] (Slovenian language only)
Review for History and Ethnography (Slovenian language only)
Contributions to the Contemporary History at SiStory

Arhivi review (Slovenian language only)
Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia review

Studia historica slovenica review

Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi LabiSAlp

International Association for Alpine History

Adler, one of the oldest genealogical and heraldic societies (Vienna)

Genealogies of noble central European families (Czech Republic, Hungary)

Gotha, the oldest European nobility research organisation

Institut Deutsche Adelsforschung

Heraldic College [Collegio Araldico]; Italian nobility
Computatio, bibliography and glossary on medieval and early modern accounting sources (German language only)

Historical Seminar

Slovenian genealogical society (Slovenian language only)

Slovenian society for research of the 18th century (Slovenian language only)

Institute of Croatian history at Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History, University of Zagreb (Croatian language only)

SIstory, - educational and research portal of Slovenian historiography

dLib, Digital Library of Slovenia