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International consequences of World War I in Central Europe

Basic information

October 21, 2019 at 17:00 to October 22, 2019 at 13:30
Atrij ZRC, Novi trg 2, Ljubljana; Grad Jable, Grajska cesta 1 , Mengeš
Organizer: Austrian Embassy in Ljubljana, Austrian cultural forum, Coordination comittee for research of diplomatic history, Centre for European perspective

The international conference is dedicated to the centennial of the Paris peace conference which proved to have far-reaching consequences for the future of the Central Europe. Renowned Slovenian and Austrian historians will discuss the aftermath of the Paris peace treaties.

The conference is organised within the framework of the Year of Neighbourly Dialogue between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Austria which began on 8th October 2019.

The conference will take place on Monday, 21st October at Atrij ZRC and on Tuesday, 22nd October at the Jable Manor. On Tuesday a bus will be taking the attendees from the City Hotel in the centre of Ljubljana (Dalmatinova ulica 9) to the conference venue. The bus departs at 8:00.

The transfer to the Jablje Manor will be free of charge but a confirmation of attendance is necessary. Please send a notice of intention to by 17. October at the latest.

Conference programme.