From Rudolf to Maximilian
October 19, 2023 at 09:00 to October 20, 2023 at 17:00
Atrij ZRC, Novi trg 2
Organizer: ZRC SAZU Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa, ZRC SAZU Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta
In October 2023, 750 years will have passed since the election and coronation of Rudolf of Habsburg as King of the Romans. This event can be seen as the starting point for the unforeseen rise of a noble family that in many ways determined the course of European and world history in the following six centuries.
On this occasion, the Milko Kos Historical Institute and the France Stele Institute of Art History are preparing an international conference. The aim of the conference is to examine and reassess the early period of Habsburg rule in Eastern Europe, focusing on the Slovenian lands and the Eastern Alps. Proposed topics include the rise of the House of Habsburg and the process of consolidating power in the first centuries after their rule.