Life and work of important people in northeastern Slovenia
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Mateja Ratej, PhD-
Original Title
Življenje in delo pomembnih osebnosti severovzhodne Slovenije
Project Team
Assoc. Prof. Marjeta Ciglenečki, PhD, Janja Črčinovič-Rozman, dr. Samo Fošnarič, dr. Boris Gombač, Martin Grum, dr. Janez Marolt, Branko Marušič, PhD, dr. Mateja Matjašič Friš, Miha Preinfalk, PhD, dr. Andrej Vovko (retired)-
Project ID
L6-6110 (B)
1 July 2004–30 June 2007 -
Lead Partner
Research centre of Slovenian academy of sciences and arts
Financial Source
Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
University of Maribor
General aim of this project is a study on life and work of important people that lived and worked in the area of northeastern Slovenia, which is poorly presented in researches of this kind. This study will be concerned with people from political life, economy, church life, science and education, culture and art, army, aristocracy, etc. Special attention will be given to people who were because of different reasons forgotten and their lives were little or not at all researched or the part they played in the community was wrongly presented. The study will be based on research of primary sources and existing literature, project group"s work results will be published as original scientific articles in scientific publications and as scientific essays in monographic works.