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Vitez in grad. Vloga gradov v življenju plemstva na Kranjskem, slovenskem Štajerskem in slovenskem Koroškem do začetka 15. stoletja.

Author: Dušan Kos
Year: 2005

The monograph ('Knight and Castle. The Role of Castles in the Life of the Nobility in Carniola, Sloven-Styria and Slovene-Carinthia up to the beginning of the 15th century') is expanded, updated and revised edition the author's book  Med gradom in mestom  ('Between the Castle and the City') in 1994. It contains a survey of late medieval nobility in light of their homes during the 11th and 14 century. It is limited to the territory of Carniola and the Slovenian part of Styria and Carinthia.

In the first part by answering questions on the origins of castles, especially legal question about the origin, status, ownership and possession of castles and internal relations between the landowners in the golden age of the nobility. The second part contains an analysis of over 180 castles, which were inhabited at least in the early 15th century, and their inhabitants. The author discusses the role of castles and cities in the aristocratic life, talking about the actual number, and the importance of developing medieval noble families of Slovenian, their control of castles on the spatial and political mobility of the nobility, the legal and political framework for the creation of the castles, the relation between politics and castles on the forms of ownership, possessory, the management of the castles, the castle as the capital of the castle, town and villages as places of business life nobility and the phenomenon of attraction for human settlement of the gentry of the 13th century. Text is added to the genealogical tables 76 of the most important noble families, 5 maps, 149 photos of noble crests and seals with a representation of the present 120 castles.

Table of content



Oris raziskovanja slovenskih gradov in plemstva

Vznik gradov in grajska politika

Odvetništvo in grad

Nekatere značilnosti gradov in dvorov

O imenih

Sta stolp in dvor tudi »gradova«?

Problem ganerbov

Deželna politika in gradovi v poznem srednjem veku

Vzvodi grajske politike

Pravica odprtega gradu

Zvestoba in grad

Deželska sodišča in gradovi

Lastninsko-posestne oblike

Klavzula deželne obveze za škodo

Do konca 13. stoletja

14. stoletje

Spreminjanje alodov v fevde

Spreminjanje fevdov v alode

Upravljanje z gradovi


Položaj gradiščanov

Uprava posameznih gospodov


Grad kot kapital


Vrednost gradov

Tipologija transakcij

Grad, mesto in vas v plemiškem življenju

Grad kot kraj plemiškega poslovnega življenja

Vas kot kraj plemiškega poslovnega življenja

Mesto in podeželsko plemstvo

Problem kontinentalnega patriciata




Bled, Boštanj, Čretež, Črnomelj, Čušperk, Falkenberg, Gallenstein, Gamberk, Goričane, Gračeno, Gradac, Gutenberg, Gutenwerd, Hašperk, Hmeljnik, Hohenau, Ig, Jablanica, Jama pri Begunjah, Jama pri Postojni, Jeterbenk, Kamen, Kamnik, Klevevž, Kolovec, Kolovrat, Kostanjevica, Kostel, Kozjak, Kranj, Kravjek, Krško, Lanšprež, Lebek, Lihtenberk, Limberk, Ljubljana, Lož, Mehovo, Mengeš, Metlika, Miltenberg, Mirna, Gorenji Mokronog, Motnik, Novi grad na Gorenjskem, Ortnek, Osterberg, Otočec, Polhov Gradec, Poljane, Postojna, Prežek, Rabensberk, Radovljica, Raka, Rekštanj, Ribnica, Rožek na Dolenjskem, Rožek pri Moravčah, Sicherstein, Slepšek, Smlednik, Snežnik, Soteska, Stari grad pri Novem mestu, Svibno, Škofja Loka, Štatenberk na Dolenjskem, Šteberk, Štrasberk, Štrlek, Šumberk, Turjak, Vernek, Vipava, Višnja gora, Waldenberg, Žebnik, Žumberk, Žužemberk

Slovenska Štajerska in slovenska Koroška

Anderburg, Bizeljsko, Blagovna, Borl, Brežice, Celje, Cmurek, Dobrenj, Dobrna, Dravograd, Ekenštajn, Fala, Forhtenek, Frajštajn, Fram, Freudenberg, Freudenegg in Klauzenštajn, Gornji grad, Gromperk, Guštanj, Hekenberk, Helfenberg, Hompoš, Hrastovec, Jamnik, Kacenštajn, Kamnica, Kebelj, Konjice, Kostrivnica, Kozje, Kozji rep, Kunšperk, Laško, Lemberg pri Dobrni, Lemberg pri Poljčanah, Letuš, Libenštajn, Lihtenek, Limbuš, Lindek, Ljutomer, Lušperk, Majdburg, Majšperk, Marenberk, Maribor, Mozirje, Muta, Ojstrica pri Dravogradu, Ojstrica pri Vranskem, Ormož, Pabštajn, Pilštajn, Pišece, Planina, Ploštanj, Podčetrtek, Podsreda, Polzela, Prežin, Ptuj, Pukštanj, Radgona, Rajhenburg, Ranšperk, Reštanj, Rifnik, Rogatec, Rogatnica, Rudenek, Rudenštajn, Sevnica, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenska Bistrica, Središče, Šalek, Šenek, Šoštanj, Šperenberk, Štatenberg, Švarcenštajn, Treun, Turn pri Velenju, Tvarog, Valdek, Velenje, Viltuš, Vitanje, Vodriž, Vojnik, Vrbovec, Vurberk, Vuzenica, Zbelovo, Žamberk, Žamerk, Žaženberk, Žovnek, Žusem


Seznam okrajšav

Objavljeni viri

Neobjavljeni viri



Podobe gradov




Genealoške preglednice


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13/15th century
historical sources
Middle Ages


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