Congress after the congress
May 11, 2021 at 09:00 to May 12, 2021 at 16:00
Organizer: Slovenska matica, Österreichisches Kulturforum Laibach
The Slovene society, Austrian cultural forum in Ljubljana and the Research centre of the Slovenian academy of sciences and arts together with other with other research institutions, archives and museums organise a conference dedicated to the city of Ljubljana as the venue of the congress of the Holly aliance in 1821 and the diplomatic aspects of the event.
Ljubjana [ger. Laibach] was chosen because of its geographical proximity to Italy (where uprisings, which were the reason for calling of the congress, had been taking place) and at the same time to the capital of Austrian empire Vienna. The congress of Ljubljana was the second meeting of the Holly aliance and took place under the auspices and leadership of prince Klemens von Metternich. The burghers of Ljubljana were very pleased by the fact that their their small provincial town was hosting crowned heads - two emperors and a king.
The bicentennial started with the critical edition of a doctoral thesis by Vladimir Šenk (defended in 1944) The congress of Ljubljana 1921, edited by Andrej Rahten, Gregor Antoličič and Oskar Mulej. It will continue with a two day conference and an exhibition "The emperor at Dol mansion" and an exhiibtion at the Ljubljana city museum.
The event will take place in the form of a Zoom meeting with a live broadcast over YouTube. See the pertinent links provided below.
The events of the bicentennial coincide with the coming Slovenian presidency of the Council of the European union.
Invitation and conference programme (pdf)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 821 1550 1012
Passcode: 611462
YouTube links:
- 11 May: https://youtu.be/bD9C8Y-pG2M
- 12 May: https://youtu.be/uAVVCyCw9sY