Medieval and Early Modern Written Heretige in Slovenia – Editions of Charters
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Dušan Kos, PhD-
Original Title
Srednjeveška in novoveška pisna dediščina na Slovenskem – edicije listin
Project Team
Dušan Kos, PhD, Matjaž Bizjak, PhD, Igor Grdina, PhD, Miha Preinfalk, PhD-
Project ID
J6-9167 (B)
1 January 2007–31 December 2009 -
Financial Source
Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Within the corpus of national and cultural heritage in general, that surpasses national frames, early historical sources present a specific category. In such circumstances, the principal task of historiography is above all correct integration of those hard of access and less known historical sources into primary and consequently secondary historical researches and with it, placement of comprised information in the knowledge in the fields of local, regional and national history, which in final stage means their supplementation, particularization and superstructure. For the accomplishment of this goal, it is necessary to merge methods historiography uses in studying and evaluating historical sources (the so-called basic historical sciences) and possibilities modern informational technologies offer. The theme of the proposed project is studying and presentation (publishing in standard book form as well as in the form of electronic database) of the not yet published and from the side of the profession not yet or poorly considered completed document funds, concretely within the frame of the here proposed project: charters of the noble family of Auerspergs (Turjaški) that are kept outside the central family archives, in different archives in Austria, Italy, in Croatia, Hungary, Bohemia and in Slovenia. The aim of the proposed project is a modern optimal textual-critical publication of the mentioned fund of charters with a relevant scientific apparatus and comment in the form of a dissertation with findings of performed basic researches, and at the same time creation of an informational system – database, which will enable a more efficient use of the material, and will present with the possibility of expansion a systematic solution for such presentations in the future.