The Rise and Decline of the Medieval Chivalry in Slovenia
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Original Title
Vzpon in propad srednjeveškega viteštva na Slovenskem
Project Team
Matjaž Bizjak, PhD, Miha Preinfalk, PhD, Barbara Šterbenc Svetina, MA-
Project ID
L6-3116 (B)
1 July 2001–30 June 2004 -
SICRIS stran -
Project Leader
Financial Source
Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
With te combination of narative and structure analysis will be presented the phenomenon of the nobility and chivalry in historical lands of today Slovenia between 12th and 15th century. >The red thread< will be a universal analysis of family and ordinary life, social rise and decline of the noble families of Svibno/Schärffenberg and Turjak/Auersperg from Carniola and Styria. Both of them were among the highest and succesed: first has declined, second has rised in 15th century. Why? The grounds for this difference will come from the analysis both of families. In the contrast, the analisys will displey all of deeply structure-problems about social and cultural, also economic, psychologic etc. problems and segments in the late medieval society; not only among zhe nobility, but in all social classes.