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Zgodovina morale 2. Ljubezenske strasti, prevare, nasilje in njihovo kaznovanje na Slovenskem med srednjim vekom in meščansko dobo.

Author: Dušan Kos
Year: 2016

The book ('History of Morality: 2. Love Passions, Deceptions, Violence and their Treatment in Slovenia between the Middle Ages and the Bourgeois Period') discusses a theme which has not been entirely neglected by Slovenian historiography but which is still making its first strides towards establishing one of sub-disciplines – the history of mentalities and everyday life. It is the second volume of the author’s research into the morality of love; the first volume bearing the subtitle 'Love and Marriage in Slovenia between the Middle Ages and the Bourgeois Period' was published in 2015. The second volume focuses on the morality of love and sexuality in the context of impermissible, sinful, criminalised and other deviant forms. Archival and material sources directed the author’s attention to the period between the 8th and 18th century, with the main emphasis on the Renaissance and Baroque periods (16th–18th century).

The author employs an interesting approach and method: after meticulously presenting the judicial-administrative practices and records on discussions of morality, he provides a considerable number of cases from divorce and penal practice (including micro-studies), which he also elucidates by drawing on comparisons with the European milieu. Thus, he uses different perspectives to shed light on the development of detecting the most frequent sexual-moral problems (adultery, concubinage, violence and material neglect in marriage, same-sex practices, incest, bigamy, rape, prostitution, etc.). Both volumes on morality offer an insight into the long genesis of the modern concept of love perceptions and practices as well as deviations in the old Slovenian and also European society in the pre-modern period.

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DUŠAN KOS: ZGODOVINA MORALE; Večer - v soboto 18.3.2017
Miha Naglič: ZGODOVINA MORALE 2; Gorenjski glas 3.2.2017
Dušan Kos: ZGODOVINA MORALE 2; 6.12.2016
Aleksander Čobec: IZŠLA KNJIGA ZGODOVINA MORALE; Radio Slovenija 3, Svet kulture 2.11.2016

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49.00 €

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