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Neva Makuc, PhD
  • Research Associate


Research station ZRC SAZU Nova Gorica

N. Makuc studies the history of the early modern period with special emphasis on the historiography, the collective identities, the social and cultural history in general. She is particularly interested in the problematics concerned with the Slovenian-Italian border area in the historical perspective. She has complemented her basic research with applied research work performed in the area of conservation and valorisation of Central European cultural heritage.

Ervin Dolenc Award, granted by the Historical Association of Slovenia, for her scientific book debut on the historiography and mentality in the early modern-period Friuli and County of Gorizia, titled Historiografija in mentaliteta v novoveški Furlaniji in Goriški (Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, Milko Kos Historical Institute, 2011) (2012).
SLORI Award, granted by the Slovenian Research Institute - SLORI (Trieste, Italy), for the PhD dissertation on Friulian historiography and Slovenian history, Furlanska historiografija in slovenska zgodovina (2012).
Basic research of Slovene cultural past 2022-2027 (research programme • January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2027)
Toponomastična dediščina Primorske (applied research project • July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021)
RESTAURA (INTERREG • July 1, 2016 - May 31, 2019)
Social and identity mobility in the Slovenian territory between the late Middle Ages and the disintegration of the Habsburg Monarchy (fundamental research project • January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2018)
THETRIS – THEmatic Transnational church Route development with the Involvement of local Society (international project • July 1, 2012 - December 31, 2014)
The leading humanists in the Slovenian territory between the 16th and mid-19th centuries and their social and cultural environment (fundamental research project • July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014)
Rebellious Survival Strategies in Slovenian Territory (16th to 19th Century) (applied research project • July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014)
Basic research of Slovene cultural past 2015-2020 (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)
Slovenian Place Names in Time and Space (Historical Topography of Slovenia from the Middle Ages to the 19th Century) (fundamental research project • July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014)


  • BA in Italian Language and Literature and BA in History after completing her two-discipline studies at the Department of History and the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana, 2004;
  • PhD in Historical Sciences, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana, 2011.


  • two training courses in archival sciences, Istituto di storia sociale e religiosa (Gorizia, Italy; 3 March‒3 April 2009; 26 January‒9 March 2010).


  • since 2004: Milko Kos Historical Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU).


  • Collaboration with the University of Nova Gorica, School of Humanities
  • Correspondent member of the institute Istituto Pio Paschini (Udine, Italy),
  • Member of the association Istituto per gli Incontri Culturali Mitteleuropei (Gorizia, Italy)
Research areas

border studies
collective identities
social history
cultural history
early modern period
cultural heritage