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Man, Nature and Environment between the Northern Adriatic and the Eastern Alps in the Premodern Times


Environmental history is an entirely untouched field of research of Slovene historiography. This unsatisfactory state of affairs calls for measures which will gradually introduce a new, distinctly socially relevant field of research to the Slovene historiography. The main goal of the submitted project, which is characterized by its pioneer and pilot features, is therefore to open the field of environmental history in the sphere of Slovene historiography.

The project is limited to the Middle Ages and the Modern Times, up to the emergence of industrialization and modernization, which had an all-embracing and global effect on the relations between man, nature and environment. The project is geographically limited to the area between “the northern Adriatic and the eastern Alps”, which means that the spatial emphasis lies in the territory of the present-day Slovenia with the logical inclusion of its neighbouring regions, depending on each respective historical framework and the topic of each part of research.

The project is designed interdisciplinary. The historical and the natural science part of the project are not separated; the conclusions of one part will be of benefit to researchers in their research of the other part. The interdisciplinary design of the project defines its two main research axes: the historiographic and that of natural science. The former is more extensive and is therefore divided into smaller research part (See item 13).

The project with its series of specific and at the same time topic-wise divergent researches (case studies) aims to point at the potential of environmental history within historiography and to the significance of the topics, which environmental history deals with, for the broad social environment. The research will enhance the existing knowledge on the history of the area in question. In order to materialize the set goals the project will originate in the entanglement of the area into broader social, economic and cultural flows. It will follow the comparative method and compare its approaches and findings to broader historiography. Furthermore, the projects aims to establish basic research infrastructure, establish contacts and cooperation with experts and institutions in the neighbourhood which deal with similar topics. The project thus means to place Slovene historiography into the European network of environmental historiography. Moreover, the project aims to educate one or several young scientists who will in the long run systematically deal with environmental history.

The research in the framework of the project will produce qualitatively comparable and internationally referential scientific findings. In quantitative terms numerous publications of various kinds will emerge in the framework of the project. The historical part of the project envisages a preparation of some fifteen original treatises and one monograph. The natural science section of the project will prepare one or two original scientific articles in a journal with IF and publish an original scientific article in a Slovene publication. Both sections will produce several popular articles, whose purpose will be to popularize the topic of the project. An international and interdisciplinary science symposium will be held upon the conclusion of the project; the project’s results will be published in a miscellany.

The project dealing with a socially relevant subject will in a broader social context enrich the knowledge required by the society in connection with environmental issues. The comprehension of the historical component is important for a better grasp of modern happenings in the sphere, and consequently for the process of reaching appropriate decisions. The publication of results and their popularisation will contribute to environmental awareness, to shaping of values which are important for man’s attitude to nature and environment as well as to continual development and social cohesion in Slovenia.

Research Project

človek in gozd/les
podnebna zgodovina
vodna in vetrna energija
interakcija mesto-okolje
naravne nesreče
obvladovanje narave
percepcija narave
early modern period
severnojadranski – vzhodnoalpski prostor
the Middle Ages
okoljska zgodovina

Research Fields
Socialna in ekonomska zgodovina H270