
Miha Kosi, PhD
- Editor of the Thesaurus memoriae Series (Ljubljana)
- Member of Kronika, časopis za krajevno zgodovino Review (Ljubljana) Editorial Board
Research interests
Areas of research
medieval history, history of towns, history of transport and travel, history of military orders and the crusades, historical geography
Selected publications
- Potujoči srednji vek : cesta, popotnik in promet na Slovenskem med antiko in 16. stoletjem, Miha Kosi. 1998. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
- Zgodnja zgodovina srednjeveških mest na Slovenskem : primerjalna študija o neagrarnih naselbinskih središčih od zgodnjega srednjega veka do 13. stoletja
- Spopad za prehode proti Jadranu in nastanek "dežele Kras" : vojaška in politična zgodovina Krasa od 12. do 16. stoletja
- The Babenberg Dukes of Austria : crusaders "par excellence"
- Representative buildings of the Counts of Cilli : an expression of dynastic propaganda
- The Fifth Crusade and its aftermath : crusading in the southeast of the Holy Roman Empire in the first decades of the thirteenth century
- Ljubljana/Laibach in the southeast of the empire : the case of environmental relations of a Medieval city
- Das östliche transalpine Tor : Krain als "Transitland" im späten Mittelalter
- The beginnings of Medieval towns in the Slovenian lands and their "founders" : controversies and new interpretations
- Interaction between the city and its environment : the case of late Medieval Ljubljana
- Stadtgründung und Stadtwerdung : Probleme und Beispiele aus dem slowenischen Raum, Miha Kosi. 2009
- The age of the crusades in the South-East of the Empire : between the Alps and the Adriatic, Miha Kosi. 2001
- Die mittelalterlichen Städte Sloweniens im Lichte der Verkehrsverbindungen
- Gospodje Turjaški in plemiški svet na jugovzhodu cesarstva
- "Grbovna knjiga" gradu Turjak : umetnina kot odsev plemiške identitete
- Celjska klientela : socialna in prostorska mobilnost plemstva v službi grofov Celjskih
- Graffschaft Mettling : razvoj dežele in deželnega plemstva metliške grofije od 13. do konca 15. stoletja
- Sava kot prometna povezava Kranjske in hrvaških dežel v poznem srednjem in zgodnjem novem veku : (13.-18. stoletje)
- Zgodovina mest na Slovenskem - revizija in perspektive
- Križarske vojne
- Grajska politika - primer grofov Celjskih
- Dežela, ki je ni bilo : Posavinje med Kranjsko in Štajersko od 11. do 15. stoletja, Miha Kosi. 2008
- "Onstran gore, tostran Ogrske" : (Bela krajina v poznem srednjem veku), Miha Kosi. 2008
- Začetki mesta Slovenj Gradec : prispevek k nastanku mest na jugovzhodnem Koroškem v srednjem veku https://plus.si.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/28297005
- Morejska kronika in koroški vojvoda v bitki pri Pelagoniji leta 1259
- Cruciferi - Crucesignati : prispevek k zgodovini križarskih vojn in križarskih viteških redov v 12.-13. stoletju, Miha Kosi. 2005
- Predurbane ali zgodnjeurbane naselbine? : Civitas Pettouia, Carnium/Creina in druga centralna naselja neagrarnega značaja v zgodnjem srednjem veku. Del 1, Miha Kosi. 2005
- Freisinški škofje kot ustanovitelji meščanskih naselbin in začetki mesta Škofja Loka = Freisinger Bischöfe als Städtegründer und das Werden der Stadt Bischoflack, Miha Kosi. 2003
- --- quae terram nostram et Regnum Hungariae dividit --- : razvoj meje cesarstva na Dolenjskem v srednjem veku, Miha Kosi. 2002
- Templarji na Slovenskem : prispevek k reševanju nekaterih vprašanj srednjeveške zgodovine Prekmurja, Bele Krajine in Ljubljane, Miha Kosi. 1995. Ljubljana: Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije
Selected projects
Slovenian Historic Towns Atlas (fundamental research project • July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2022)
Slovenian Place Names in Time and Space (Historical Topography of Slovenia from the Middle Ages to the 19th Century) (fundamental research project • July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014)
Studies for the Synthesis of History of Slovene Towns in the Age of Feudalism (to 1848) (fundamental research project • July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2007)
Artwork as Reflection of Knowledge and Networking. The Role of Education and Social Connectedness of Artists and Patrons in the Late Middle-Ages and Early-Modern Times (fundamental research project • July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2022)
Man, Nature and Environment between the Northern Adriatic and the Eastern Alps in the Premodern Times (fundamental research project • July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014)
Basic research of Slovene cultural past 2015-2020 (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)
Soldiers from Slovenian territory on foreign soil in the past (fundamental research project • June 1, 2006 - May 31, 2008)
Elenchus fontium historiae Slovenicae urbanae. – Edition of the Selected Sources for the Slovene Urban History. (fundamental research project • February 1, 2008 - January 30, 2011)
Slovenian Place Names in Time and Space (Historical Topography of Slovenia from the Middle Ages to the 19th Century) (fundamental research project • July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014)
Studies for the Synthesis of History of Slovene Towns in the Age of Feudalism (to 1848) (fundamental research project • July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2007)
Artwork as Reflection of Knowledge and Networking. The Role of Education and Social Connectedness of Artists and Patrons in the Late Middle-Ages and Early-Modern Times (fundamental research project • July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2022)
Man, Nature and Environment between the Northern Adriatic and the Eastern Alps in the Premodern Times (fundamental research project • July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014)
Basic research of Slovene cultural past 2015-2020 (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)
Soldiers from Slovenian territory on foreign soil in the past (fundamental research project • June 1, 2006 - May 31, 2008)
Elenchus fontium historiae Slovenicae urbanae. – Edition of the Selected Sources for the Slovene Urban History. (fundamental research project • February 1, 2008 - January 30, 2011)
history of towns
Middle Ages