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Katarina Keber, PhD

Senior Research Associate



Katarina Keber works in the field of social history of medicine. Her studies focus on cholera epidemics, development of public health-care system and social politics in the 19th century society. The title of her doctoral thesis was Cholera Epidemics and Their Influence on the Development of Public Health-Care System in the 19th Century Carniola.

Prikrita dežela (applied research project • February 1, 2008 - January 1, 2011)
Za svobodo domovine. Fronta v Julijcih 1915-1917 (interdisciplinary project • June 1, 2006 - May 31, 2008)
Soldiers from Slovenian territory on foreign soil in the past (fundamental research project • June 1, 2006 - May 31, 2008)
Economic and social position of Slovenes during the transition from feudalism to capitalism (fundamental research project • February 1, 2008 - January 30, 2011)
Cultural demography of world war one (fundamental research project • May 1, 2009 - April 30, 2012)
Strategies and praxis of energy supply in Slovenia (fundamental research project • July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014)
Basic research of Slovene cultural past 2015-2020 (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)